NLD/Den Haag/20171221 - Koning bij sluitingsceremonie Joegoslavie tribunaal, King Willem-Alexander and UN Secreatary-General António Guterres during the closing ceremony of the Yugoslavia Tribunal at the Ridderzaal in The Hague.
With Judge Carmel Agius, President of the ICTY, H.E. Mr Halbe Zijlstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E. Mme Pauline Krikke, Mayor of the City of The Hague, Mr Serge Brammertz, Prosecutor of the ICTY and the MICT, Mr John Hocking, Registrar of the ICTY, Ms Marie O’Leary, Vice-President of the Association of Defence Counsel Practicing Before, International Courts and Tribunals Judge Theodor Meron